Sunday, November 2, 2014

Is This Going To The Future Of The Next Generation Of Americans

Bob L. Just My Opinion But
Nov. 2nd 2014

I can not believe that this can be happening in this Country, but if this is true then the American people are really in for a good shock, because people seem to think that it is all hogwash and is just a scare tactic by the Democrats and the Republicans and Government Agencies to get what they want, and that is full control of this Country, and if it is, then Americans had better get their head out of their ASS and stop it before it gets any farther.

If this is the case then I feel sorry for the next generation, other ways known as out Kids and future generations, and what will they have to say about what we left them, every one today is talking about what we are leaving our kids, and if this happens then we will have no one to blame but our selves for how we were so greedy for every thing, and that we had no time to protect our Country from being taken over by more Dictators than what we have today.

They say that Home Depot employees are being forced to undergo 'Muslim Sensitivity Training' by demand of CAIR. Is this really happening? If it is then this a nice way to leave a Country for our kids, Only GOD Can Help Them Then.

If this is happening then BOYCOTT HOME DEPOT!!!!


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