Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Plastic Bag Bans: Do They Provide JOBS, Or Kill THEM

Comment By Bob L.
Sept. 10th 2013

To think that people don't have any consideration for others, but complain about people in other Countries in how they are treated and how they live, but here in this Country they could care less what happens.

A good example of what I am bringing up is what these Environmentalist are doing to this country and no one has the Guts to stand up to them, so in the mean time people lose their jobs, and no one cares if these people have a family to feed or a sick person that depends on them to bring in some money to pay for medical bills.

I believe that it is time that these Environmentalist get the same treatment, take away their jobs, HOW, they want to take down dams, and many other things that take people to do, so SHUT DOWN all electricity, and what do you think will happen, oh no work for them, why No Gas, power for their homes, and that means Air Conditioning, Heat, lights, No Going out to Dinner, and No GAS for their cars and all their other motorized vehicles, and it would be ashamed that they had to do their own cooking, Oh that's right, it has to be over an open fire, oops that is against their beliefs, it's Pollution.

These Bans are costing Thousands of Jobs, and Government and Environmentalist don't care, because they only think of them selves, and how much they can make, better known as GREED.


Plastic Bag Bans: Coming to a City Near You?
Brad Jackson   | 

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