Thursday, October 3, 2013

Obama And His Spoiled Brat team, DEMOCRATS and CZARS

Comment By Bob L.
 Oct. 3rd 2013

Most of this has to do with Obama and the Democrats then the Republicans.

Here are some questions,
1:     How come a person making Fifty Thousand a Year can not buy their own Health Insurance?
2:     How come these U.S. Parks are closed, when people come and go and not be one hundred percent supervised when visiting them?
3:     Why is it that the Republicans are the only ones that are to blame for the Government shut down?
4:     Why is it that the Democrats can do any thing they want and no one questions why?
5:     Why do people go out and buy Homes they can not afford?
6:     Why do people have to out do some one else?
7:     Do any of these people ever look in the mirror and wonder why this Country is falling apart?
8:     Do these people looking in the mirror ever think that they are the ones to Blame, or is it just easier to blame every one else for the problems?
9:     How come people let these politicians continually take away their freedoms entitled by the U.S. Constitution?
10:   And one thing I can not under stand is, how can a person go to College for Higher Learning to get an Education, BE so Dumb, Stupid, and Ignorant, and can not see problems that are tearing down this Country right in front of them and not wanting to do some thing about it? 
11:  Why is Education controlled by the Federal Government, State Government, and Unions, AND NOT at the local School Districts where the education is taught?
12:  Why is it that the Democrats won't listen to the American People and give them a chance to learn every thing about Obamacare and make their own conclusion?
13: What are the Democrats covering up, that they don't want the American people to know?
14:  Why are prices so high?

Possible Answers:
  1. People making that much and more are living beyond what they make.
  2. I do believe that it is a money thing and nothing else.
  3. This could be that every one pushing this is in Obama's hip pocket.
  4. This is because people are being brain washed in College, School, and the News Media on a daily basis.
  5. They want to be some one they are not and trying to out do every one else.
  6. Easy GREED
  7. NO, they are so worries about what some one thinks about them and what they look like, why do you think there is so many people buying all this junk to look young.
  8. That one is easy, and was already answered, it is easier to blame some one else.
  9. Another easy one, they are afraid they might insult these Special Interest Groups who don't like the way this Country is being run and want it run their way.
  10. This only the Dumb, Stupid and Ignorant can figure this one out.
  11. Another one, people are to lazy and could care less, and they don't have time because they are to busy PARTYING.
  12. Because they think that this is their Country and every one has to do what they say.
  13. That is a good question, there are a lot of answers to that question that is really easy to say, PROFIT AND GREED. 
  14. People will pay it, so they can say they got it, instead od saying it is to expensive, so the Prices keep going up, and as long as people buy it at these high prices they will never come down, this goes for Gas, Taxes, Utilities, Homes, Cars, so as long as people keep letting this happen Taxes will keep going up along with homes and Cars
The American People have to put their foot down and stop Governments Greed, and Special Interest, and we can not for get these yuppies that just got to have the Fancies and Best of every thing, no matter what it costs, and these are the people who are backing and supporting the Democrats.

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